In November, 2011, there was a special version made exclusively for mobile devices that had a much different form factor, and actually lent itself very well to a handheld gaming style! The only problem was that it didn't work on iPhones (it worked on all others), and therefore would not survive.
Help local Austin bars install their new cigarette vending machines by pushing them onto squares occupied by outlets.
SCI was modeled after a 1981 Japanese puzzle game called Sokoban, and borrowed heavily from its mechanics. The game was played on a board of squares, where each square is a floor or a wall. Some floor squares contain ciggy machines, and some floor squares are marked as electrical outlets.
The player is confined to the board, and may move horizontally or vertically onto empty squares (never through walls or ciggy machines). The player can also move into a ciggy machine, which pushes it into the square beyond. Ciggy machines may not be pushed into other machines or outlets, and they cannot be pulled. The number of ciggy machines is equal to the number of outlet locations. The puzzle is solved when all ciggy machines are at electrical outlet locations.
In 2017, the Flash plug-in required to play any Flash-based game was disabled by default in many of the major browsers. So to play the game, users must have Flash enabled. The game is currently hosted exclusively on my companion site, and can be played there now!
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